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Caramel Chex Mix


I am trying to keep this interesting for the girls this year for school lunches. I am also going to start moving them towards a more gluten free diet, as well as one without a lot of artificial food colorings. So the snack above wins on one, and not so much on the other – but it is a work in progress!  I used this recipe: Caramel Chex Mix, and the only changes that I made was to add crushed up macadamia nuts. I also used honey instead of the corn syrup.  I also used white chocolate M&M’s (I found them on the discount rack at Target FTW) and Mini M&Ms. Next time I’ll just go with the regular sized M&Ms… the minis got lost in the mix in my opinion.

So far it has been a complete hit. I had to hide it away in an air tight container last night so that the kids wouldn’t nom it all down.

I am having fun at these link parties today!! :

linkparty_buttonTuesday To Do Party